

♦️Presale currently running
♦️Presale price: 1 DLA = $0.0013
♦️ICO starts in February 1st, 2019
♦️ICO price: 1 DLA = $0.002
Distribution: after ICO to your Dolla wallet. You will receive an email with instructions how to connect your Dolla wallet once it’s released.

Dolla Bounty!

About Dolla, their mission:

♦️Implementing a payment platform for both on and offline businesses throughout the world that is near free, fast and secure.
♦️Provide quick, economical access to payment and transfer platforms equally across the world including the millions of unbanked.
♦️Utilizing our high tech wallet, exchange and ATM network provide a cost effective and fast solution for cross border and local transfers and exchanges

DOLLA Facebook Bounty

💧Reward: 2500 DLA

Step-by-Step Guide:
➤Register an account on the webpage and confirm your email
➤Go to “Facebook Bounty”
➤Join Dolla Facebook group
➤Like Dolla Facebook page and share the pinned post
➤Retweet the pinned tweet with a positive text about Dolla
➤Submit your Twitter username and the url of your retweet on your dashboard

DOLLA Twitter Bounty

💧Reward: 2500 DLA

Step-by-Step Guide:
➤Register an account on the webpage and confirm your email
➤Go to “Twitter Bounty”
➤Follow Dolla on Twitter
➤Retweet the pinned tweet with a positive text about Dolla
➤Submit your Twitter username and the url of your retweet on your dashboard

DOLLA LinkedIn Bounty

💧Reward: 2500 DLA

Step-by-Step Guide:
➤Register an account on the webpage and confirm your email
➤Go to “Twitter Bounty”
➤Join their Linkedin group.
➤Give a positive comment about Dolla on any post in the group.
➤Submit your comment url on your Dashboard

DOLLA Telegram Bounty

💧Reward: 5000 DLA

Step-by-Step Guide:
➤Register an account on the webpage and confirm your email
➤Go to “Telegram Bounty”
➤Join the Telegram announcement channel
➤Join their Telegram group and write a constructive message about Dolla project in the group.
➤Put Dolla logo as your profile picture and add “DollaHolla” to your telegram name (**Mandatory**) {Example: Mathew | DollaHolla }
➤Submit the link of your constructive message to your dashboard

Stay active in the community channels until you receive your tokens!!

Dolla official links:

♦️ Facebook page
♦️Facebook group
♦️Token Economics


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